Last Mountain Housing Association Inc.
The Last Mountain Housing Association (LMHA) constructed a senior citizens’ residence in the Town of Strasbourg. There are sixteen (16) two bedroom units ranging between 835 and 880 sq. ft. with 3200 sq. ft. of common area. The facility is designed to provide safety, security and services, which will allow for delivery of enriched living at an affordable price.
Units are specifically designed to provide for the needs of seniors with such amenities as wide doors, outdoor decks and bathrooms with safety grab bars and heat lamps. The common area provides kitchen, dining and lounge areas to facilitate social functions. Services such as snow removal, grounds maintenance, etc. are included in the rent.
The units are available to people 55 years of age or older who have an income not in excess of $44,500 per year. A life lease payment of $40,000 is required along with an affordable monthly rent. The $40,000 life lease is refunded to you or your estate upon leaving the unit. Heat and softened water are included in the rent.
The Last Mountain Housing Association (LMHA) is a not-for-profit organization incorporated under The Non-Profit Corporations Act of the Province of Saskatchewan. The members of the association are local people residing in communities from Govan to Silton.
For more information contact: Tammy Hilderman at 306-536-6114
Strasbourg Housing Authority
A government group dedicated to providing low cost senior social housing. Eligibility based on income and assets. For information call Velise Wolf, Manager of the Strasbourg Housing Authority at 306-501-6193.
Last Mountain Pioneer Home
Last Mountain Pioneer Home (LMPH) is a long term care facility which provides room and board, care and supervision to elders in the area. It consists of 43 LTC beds and one respite bed. The facility was built in 1964 and then added onto and renovated in 1975. It was originally built by a group of community members who felt there was a need for this type of service in the community. In 1994, Last Mountain Pioneer Home entered into an amalgamation agreement with Living Sky Health District. Then with the joining of the health districts into the larger health regions in 2002, Last Mountain Pioneer Home became owned and operated by the Saskatoon Health Region.
LMPH provides 24-hour nursing care, full meal services (as well as Meals on Wheels to clients in the community), laundry, housekeeping, and a wide range of recreational activities. It also provides daycare to clients in the community who need access to services throughout the day. Numerous volunteer groups such as the LMPH Foundation, LMPH Auxiliary, various Church groups, Lions Club, Royal Bank Volunteer Program, and individual volunteers provide Last Mountain Pioneer Home with invaluable donations of time and resources.
Last Mountain Pioneer Home operates according to the Eden Philosophy which strives to create an elder-centred community for our elders to live within. This elder-centred community attempts to address the suffering caused by the “plagues” of loneliness, helplessness, and boredom by creating a human habitat which revolves around close and continuing contact with plants, animals, and children. It is these relationships that provide a pathway to a life worth living for our elders.