Need to program your water softener? The Town of Strasbourg’s water hardness is 486 mg/L.
Bulk Water Sales available at 408 Gastle Street. Cost is $5.00/100 gallons, payable by debit or credit card.
New to town? Please contact the Town Office at (306) 725-3707 or to set up your utility account.
Water Billing
The Town of Strasbourg has a quarterly water billing system. Prior to bills being sent out, a green water meter card is mailed to the occupant and the occupant is expected to read their water meter and submit the number back to the Town Office. The cards can either be dropped off at the office or mailed, or the number phoned in (306-725-3707) or submitted electronically ( Over the next couple of years, the Town will be switching to remote read water meter system, whereby the reads can be read remotely by the Town, and you can have access to your water usage through an app.
Water bills are sent out beginning of January, April, July, and October. You have until the 15th of the next month to pay. Past due water bills are sent out at the end of February, May, August, and November. If payment is not made, a shut off notice is issued, whereby all arrears and current water have to be paid. A reconnect fee of $300.00 will be charged if the water service is turned off.
Water bills can paid by cash, cheque, debit card or credit card at the Town Office. We also offer online banking for Credit Unions, RBC, BMO, TD, CIBC and Scotiabank customers, as well as e-transfer to You will need your water account number to set up your online banking. The number can be found on your water bill or by calling the Town Office.
Water Rates
2025 2026 2027 2028
Water* |
$114.00 |
$117.00 |
$120.00 |
$123.00 |
Sewer – Residences |
$42.00 |
$45.00 |
$48.00 |
$51.00 |
Sewer – Apartments, Multiple Housing |
$42.00 |
$45.00 per unit |
$48.00 per unit |
$51.00 per unit |
Sewer – Hotel |
$84.00 |
$90.00 | $96.00 |
$102.00 |
Sewer – Laundromat |
$84.00 |
$90.00 | $96.00 |
$102.00 |
Sewer – LMPH |
$168.00 |
$180.00 | $192.00 | $204.00 |
Sewer – School |
$168.00 |
$180.00 | $192.00 |
$204.00 |
Infrastructure Levy |
$45.00 |
$45.00 | $45.00 |
$45.00 |
*For the first 10,000 gallons of usage
*Overage rate set at $10.00/1,000 gallons of usage (if usage is over 10,000 gallons in a quarter)
As per Schedule “A,” “B,” & “C” of Bylaw No. 445-24
Sewer Blockage Policy
- You, as a homeowner, are responsible for all costs associated with the cleaning or clearing of your residential sewer line from the inside of your house to the Town’s main line (the eight inch sewer line).
- The Town is not responsible for anything that may go down your residential sewer and block (plug) the line.
- It is your responsibility to find a plumber and pay for your sewer cleaning. The Town does not perform sewer cleanings.
Drinking Water Quality and Compliance Report
Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment requires that at least once each year waterworks owners provide notification to consumers of the quality of water produced and supplied, as well as information on the performance of the waterworks in submitting samples. Please click on the link to read Strasbourg’s report.
2024 Drinking Water Quality and Compliance
Annual Waterworks Information
By September 1st of each year, the Town of Strasbourg must provide information to the general public regarding our waterworks rate policy and capital investment strategy, which includes a statement on the annual total waterworks revenues, expenditures and debt payments. Please see the following links outlining this policy, as well as our most recent Waterworks Assessment.
2023 Waterworks Rate Policy
2020 Waterworks Assessment
2023 Waterworks Financial Overview:
Total waterworks revenues – $446,335
Total waterworks expenses – $427,792
Comparison of waterworks revenues to expenses expressed as a ratio -1.04
For 2023 water revenues covered 104% of water expenses