

Curator: Jessica Dreger –
(306) 725-7677

This museum began in 1971 with the purchase of the CPR station and property, but it goes back much farther. The history of the organization is short compared to the history it houses, that of the district and its people. That is what you’ll find when you come to visit- the people. They are present in the many artifacts which these very people donated to create our museum. You’ll see them in the photograph collections. The many talents, the strong work ethic, the love of games, sports, music, the loyalty to God, to Queen and King and country are evident in each display. The household portion of the station has been restored to what it was in the early 1900’s. The business section is filled with display items from agriculture to wildlife and every aspect in between.

The museum is open on a seasonal basis. The Museum is dedicated to the upkeep of the building, to maintaining in good order displays of artifacts and the records pertaining to them. Local students are hired to greet visitors as well as cataloguing, caretaking and carrying out events. These special occasions occur from opening day throughout the summer season. Some examples include Old Fashioned Christmas – in August!, annual Ancestors Day, and the hands-on creation of homemade bread, butter, and apple jelly. We host displays of local expertise such as stamp collections, antique autos and tractors, blacksmithing, telephones, weaving, and spinning. We celebrate the talent in our community. We also bring in shows from elsewhere, one highlight being the beautiful exhibition by Martha Cole, The Survivors: Quilted Elevator Portraits which visited in 2007. Of course fund raisers are an important part of the program, since dollars are not often abundant and are always necessary to continue and to expand. And we are expanding! We have acquired the original Strassburg Schoolhouse and a century-old Homestead House. These buildings will give us an extensive display area and room for new themes to express the history of our area. The space is a welcome home for donations from the collection of Mr. George Herber, local historian.

This history is as fragile as the artifacts. Without work and care, time and effort to protect and preserve the lore of yesteryear it will crumble and be lost. The Museum, with excellent support from our Town Council, local businesses, and the present history-making people are determined not to lose, but to preserve for today and for the future the vastly fascinating ways and times of the pioneers, the ancestors who began the town and the surrounding district of which we are so proud today.

Why should you pay us a visit? You will enjoy some interesting and educational hours under our roof. You may even meet some “old family” here. You lend your support by your presence, your involvement, and by your donation which is our present price of admission. Your input is the asset upon which we depend, for which we work, and which we appreciate so much. It’s our history, that of this area, this province, this country. Come sample and enjoy!
The Strasbourg and District Museum is located at the end of Main Street.

May Long Weekend to End of June (Weekends Only): Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. & Sunday 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
July to September Long Weekend: Tuesday – Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. & Sunday 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.


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